
dig into是什么意思翻译_dig into的音标怎么读

dig into



As soon as supper was served, we dug into it hungrily.


1. 致力于

He is digging into Chinese history.


2. 大口吃

As soon as the pie was served, she digged into it heartily.

馅饼一上来, 她就大口大口地吃起来。

dig into



As soon as supper was served, we dug into it hungrily.


1. 致力于

He is digging into Chinese history.


2. 大口吃

As soon as the pie was served, she digged into it heartily.

馅饼一上来, 她就大口大口地吃起来。

dig intodig into
1.翻译:挖掘He dug into the ground to get something.他挖掘土地寻找东西。The child dug his fingers into the sand.小孩把手指插进沙里。
2.翻译:把…戳进…He dug a fork into the meat.他把叉子叉入肉中。
3.翻译:调查, 刻苦钻研The detectives are digging into this whole business.侦探们彻底地调查了整个事件。

dig into
1.翻译:挖到…里面去:They began to dig into the hill.他们开始在山上挖洞。to dig a hole into the earth在地上挖一个洞
2.翻译:翻土把(肥料等)掺进:Manure was well dug into the soil.已翻土把肥盖好。
3.翻译:把…戳进,把…刺入,刺及,把…插入,触到:He dug his spurs into the sides of the horse.他用靴刺策马前行。She dug her elbow into his ribs.她用胳膊肘戳了一下他的肋部。
4.翻译:[口语]刻苦钻研(学科等):致力于或专心致志地干起来,起劲地干:to dig into a report仔细研究一份报告We have dug into the Chinese history.我们研究了中国历史。
5.翻译:探究,细查,彻底审查,盘问:They are digging into all the old files connected with this case.他们正在详细查阅所有与本案有关的旧档案。
6.翻译:在…方面使(自己)站稳脚跟,使(自己在工作岗位上)站住脚:to dig oneself into the new job使自己在新的工作岗位站稳脚跟to dig into one's duties努力掌握自己的新工作
7.翻译:耗费(或用去)…的大部分;从…中支出(或交出):He had to dig into savings to pay current debts.他只好动用存款来付债。to dig deep into one's pockets倾其囊中所有
8.翻译:[口语]大吃,开始(大)吃(大)喝:As soon as dinner was served,we dug into it hungrily.饭菜一端上桌,我们就狼吞虎咽地大吃起来。to dig into a pie把糕饼吃去一大块

见:dig: dig into

dig into

动词 dig into:

examine physically with or as if with a probe

同义词:probe, poke into